About Us
Support Our Schools New Hampshire (SOS NH) was formed in 2022 to help defend, support, and uplift public education in the State of New Hampshire. We know that strong public schools create a strong New Hampshire.
We are committed to ensuring that our public schools are protected from privatization efforts, as we know first-hand that local public schools are essential for our children, our families, and communities.
SOS NH At A Glance
Mission Statement
Our mission is to unite and empower parents and community members to advocate for policies that promote strong public schools in every New Hampshire community.
Our Core Values
We believe that public education is a public good that benefits all of us.
We believe that our local public schools are vital components of our local communities.
We believe that public education is a cornerstone of our democracy.
Our Goals
We strive to provide easily accessible information to parents and community members as it relates to public education in our state. We seek to combat misinformation by providing fact-checking and exposing the hard truths behind the privatization movement. Above all, we will fight for quality public education for all children in our state.